Tag: prtg
From: WL Warning: The current Thread ran into a timeout while entering a writelock [-1073741824] . LockReason: “ScheduleThreadLib1”
Читать эту же статью на русском 👉 https://dzen.ru/media/samsitblog/from-wl-warning-the-current-thread-ran-into-a-timeout-while-entering-a-writelock-1073741824–lockreason-schedulethreadlib1-64b78e8f338eaf5590a45c0e Recently, I got on the PRTG Server strange behavior of PRTG Core Server Service. The service restarted each 20 min and, in fact, the monitoring doesn’t work at all. I decided to look at the logs of the PRTG Core Server that are located on the <PRTG…